Monday, December 18, 2017

Say Kids! What time is it?!! This has nothing to do with the blog.

Arlene and I will be going out for a bite to eat a bit later on. She wants Chinese and I want Italian.  We could end up at a middle of the road place so neither one of us will be happy, and isn't that what it's really all about?

I was cleaning out my computer and found a few pictures that I may have posted these here on Blogger and probably posted them on Spaces a while back. I've been blogging since 2006. The first few shots here were taken in the fall of 2006 at the Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, across the street from where I worked for 11 years. It is a beautiful place with rolling hills and a wide variety of plant and tree species. 

Below is the memorial to Mary Baker Eddy the founder of the Christian Science Church.

Below are shots from Fall 2007.

There is a 60 foot tower in the cemetery affording a view towards Boston. Left of center you can see Harvard Stadium.

Below a few local pictures at the Mystic lakes from 2005 and 2006.

The next two pictures are the same. The first one was a picture of the trees reflected in the water and the second is the same picture flipped top to bottom. 

One thing I am noticing is I have less and less desire to drive. Fortunately it doesn't seem to bother Arlene as long as it's local. If we go back to the Island this Spring I drive to the ferry and she drives on the island. Essentially I do the highway driving. I do have to admit that I'm becoming a bad passenger. So anytime I can beg out of driving, well that's just fine with me. Did I just write a line to a country song?

My friend Dave doesn't mind driving. He drove us up to Lowell the other day. His car is 20 years old and it looks it. On the other hand  it runs quite well, at least it did for the 56 mile round trip. My car is 10 years old and served me well and I don't have any plans to buy a new...well newer car. What I really need is a teleporter. Screw the traffic, the woman with the little dog hanging out the window, the moron yapping on his phone as he turns onto a narrow side street not thinking that there could be somebody coming the other way. If I can avoid all that by stepping into the teleporter and *poof* myself to the supermarket. Then *poof* myself home. Well I'm ok with that.

Time to move and end this babble.
I'm outta here.   


  1. Great minds think alike! I have said for years that the greatest thing would be to have the ability to be teleported! The Mister drives us everywhere now - it's easier for me. Hey! as usual, your pictures are all taken with artistic sensitivity and the colors are wonderful. They are "keepers." Well, "poof" I have things to do and places to go, but promise a return visit.

  2. Boston Boy, Get busy and float that teleporter idea past those brainiacs at MIT.LOL. I would buy a ticket too. My daughters tell Ted when he drives us to their houses, that he is , "Driving Miss Lazy." I keep telling him by the time I am done, it will be like "Driving Miss Crazy. " :):)
    I love all your wonderful photos. Those scenes at awesome. You really do well taking pictures. Never stop. Blessings to you , Arlene, and your families. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. xoxo, Susie

  3. I remember er these well. Still lovely.
