I really couldn't have asked for better weather. I may bring my car next time. Not because I did some much traveling but it cost me $60.00 to park my car in a lot for four days while I was sitting on an off shore island. I will investigate the cost for my next trip down there. After I paid the parking lot attendant I began adding up how much money I had spent in four days. I spent enough to buy a ridiculously large flat screen television though what television could give you a live of the sunrise picture like this.

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I know I mentioned that I forgot my camera though I did have use of an older 5 mega pixel camera. It has a limited capacity memory card and I couldn't transfer the shots from the camera to the little travel computer I have. That's the name I give it. It's like a teenage laptop, not quite an adult. So I just couldn't walk around snapping pictures of anything that even mildly caught my attention. On the other hand it was nice to just walk around without carrying anything unless you went into a jewelery/souvenir/tourist cash removal shop. One I found interesting was called Trip to Tibet. A small store run by someone, who to my untrained eye, could have been Tibetan. It was jammed pack with Tibetan and Indian (not Native American) trinkets, charms, clothing, sculptures, art, literature and so on. I bought a couple of things for my sisters. It just seemed odd with all the rest of the shops were selling Martha's Vinyard related items, hats, shirts and so on. This trip was planned on the idea of getting off the island just as thousands of people are getting on. It worked to perfection. The weather was beautiful and there were tourists from different parts of the country and the world. I saw license plates from other New England states, Missouri, Forida, California, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. At a restaurant I talked to a couple from Oregon who were touring New England. They had just come from a stay in Boston.
 There were no crowds and getting around was simple. In a way I really didn't need my camera. We didn't stray far from where we stayed the last time and I took plenty of pictures. Not much has changed since last October. There was more sun this time, and more fog. It was part on the charm as well. I walked down to the ocean every morning at 5 or 5:30 and watched the sunrise. Everything was done at a leisurely pace. I did indulge myself with a very touristy purchase of a Black Dog cap and shirt. The Black Dog restaurant was started in 1971 as the first open year round restaurant on the Island. It gained both residense and tourist popularity which spread with the sale of t shirts. Then there was national exposure when then President Bill Clinton was seen jogging in a Black Dog t shirt. Even more when it was revealed that he had given Monica Lewinsky several items purchased there. The Black Dog now has maybe 8 retail outles in Ma., New England another state. It was and is a restaurant. We didn't eat there this trip but last time I had some lobster ravioli. Wow ! I couldn't tell you much about the sauce except to say that it was as good as any...how should I say this? Intimate adult encounter that I've ever had. I'd bet the all the Ad and Consulting Agencies could exploit that angle. Imagine the brand names! If this were the early days of Spaces I would imagine some names right now. My friend's meal was equally first rate. The retaurant has a rustic charm and a great view the Vineyard Haven Harbor especially at night.

As the days passed it was evident that there were more people arriving still it was far from crowded. As we left yesterday The ferry that was arriving had a lot of people and I'm sure a lot of cars. By contrast the ferry we were leaving on had 3 cars a small asortment of pick up trucks, 3 tractor trailers and 8 people plus crew. As of noon time, when we left, the skies were clear blue and the temperature was about 68. The fog of the early morning had lifted. We soon ran into it after 20 minutes. We slowed to a crawl. The ferry blasted it's horn. We stopped moving. This is the part of the movie where the giant octopus tentacles come over the sides of the ship and capsize it. Nah. Too dramatic. We sat there about 5 minutes, a few more blasts of the horn and we began to move. About a half an hour later we came out of the fog and there was the Woods Hole Harbor in bright sunshine. The dock was crowded with cars and people. We were the only passengers on the bus back to the parking lot. On the road home there was a four mile back up heading into the area we just left. The rest of the ride was easy and uneventful until we got to about 20 miles south of Boston. Before the city skyline was visable we were crawling along just like the traffic heading south. I'll leave out the gory details concerning the rest of the drive.
It was a nice relaxing time. I'm still on Vineyard time. No where to go. Nothing to do. I do have things to do and places I could go but I ain't doin' 'em today.
Now I hope and pray that some of the fancy dance steps I have had to do, including the limbo, I will be able to publish and visit around without any problems.
I'm outta here.