Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Snow done. A collage for Nancy.

January 28, 2014. I don't know if you heard, we got some snow. As is usually the case, when a storm is finished the sun shines brightly and it is beautiful out. Well that was the case during the morning though not as I write this in the early afternoon. All the snow clearing is done. The roads around here are cleared. I am lucky to be able to park in a drive way because street parking is limited. Look for an assortment of chairs, signs, safety cones placed in a spot by a resident to save the space if they have to go out. I have seen old kitchen chairs beach chairs, plastic yard chairs and even charcoal grills used to save a very precious space. Having said all that the area has seems to have bounced back quickly. All main roads are plowed. Traffic around here is not bad to begin with so it's still pretty quiet. Some areas along the coast got beat up by the ocean. Nantucket lost it's power but all in all a vast majority of people retained electric power. All in all I have to say nice job by everybody, though people are still out clearing snow. A good amount of the snow removal had been done by this morning and this is what was left as I stepped out at about 10 this morning. That's Arlene's car with my car in front. The rest has been cleared away.


He's a little video shot out my windows as the snow fell. It was shot through a screen as well. It might be a bit out of focus but then again I could have been a bit out of focus myself.
This was inspired by Nancy. She thanked me on my last blog for mentioning things about Boston. The places that everybody read about in their history books are here. For years I ignored most of them. Now I appreciate that I have all these places around me. I went back and looked at some of the pictures I have taken over the last 7 or 8 years. Both sets of pictures were from 2007-2008. I may have used some here on Blogger but these are from the Spaces days, and that's how long I've known Nancy. Nancy is good people. So for you Nancy I put together this little Boston collage.
So all in all things are fine here. Yes it will be one pain in the ass to go back to work tomorrow, but I can't get too spoiled with the time off. Snow is a monkey wrench to everything but it's not the first nor will it be the last storm. We've had them before. Despite all the shoveling I feel good. Arlene even invited me to dinner tonight. Easy on the vino though. I do have to work tomorrow.
I'm outta here.  


  1. Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to work you go....These pictures look like snow of the "old days" when I was a kid. Well, that's how I remember it. Saw your video on YouTube. Really nice!

  2. Boston Boy, Give Arlene a hug from us. You please be careful going to and from work. I loved your film clips. Stay warm. The sun was out here today and pretty, our snow's melted again ...tomorrow rain all day. January is about done . 51 days till spring. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh Paul the video was fantastic! Thank you! The first video you did a close up on a street light which really showed the snow coming down! That was alot of shoveling. The height of the banks along the sidewalks, wow! I should mention that in a conversation a few years ago I enlightened someone about Boston and they asked when I was there. You see? You taught me things I never learned. If my mother inlaw were alive to see the buildings she would say "Where do all the people work?" I am glad you had power and heat. The ocean really destroyed homes I saw on the news. Drive careful. I remember driving in winter blissards and when I got to destination I felt like I won the Olympics LOL! Great job on videos my friend.

  4. That snow looks deep.. I hope you had a snowblower to help you out. A whole lot of shoveling for sure. The videos are wonderful. I too am glad you had the power on and heat the news reports are pretty bad that I have seen. Spring is right around the corner, I don't think the poor groundhog can get out from under the snow. LOL Take care ...

  5. We dodged it, but you'll be digging it for awhile. I grew up in New England and remember snow on the ground from Thanksgiving to Easter. Take good care!

  6. I loved it. You know I mentioned you and another blogger specifically in my last blog. And so here I am, checking to see how you fared. As always, I love your videos.
